
The following are hourly rate charges (unless specified) for the use of room and facilities at St Giles’ Centre in Pontefract.

Community Group Rate

Room TypeRate
Large Meeting Room£ Price on asking (POA) per hour
Small Meeting Room£ POA per hour
Worship Area Events (where entrance charge is made)£ POA per 3 hours then £ POA per hour
Audio/Visual Equipment Hire *£ POA
Use of Kitchen (where entrance charge is made)£ POA (can be waivered)

General Group Rate

Our general group rate is intended for commercial organisations, companies and other non-community ‘funded’ groups.

Room TypeRate
Large Meeting Room£ Price on asking (POA) per hour
Small Meeting Room£ POA per hour
Worship Area Events (where entrance charge is made)£ POA per 3 hours then £ POA per hour
Audio/Visual Equipment Hire *£ POA
Use of Kitchen (where entrance charge is made)£ POA (can be waivered)


  1. *This rate is per session and assumes that a competent person will be in charge to operate the equipment.
  2. A pre/post usage inspection will be included.
  3. Repeat or block bookings may be offered at a discount rate which may vary according to frequency of use.
  4. Hire rates will be reviewed annually
  5. Charges may vary at the discretion of the Management Committee to ensure compliance with its policy statement i.e. the level of charging for the use of the building will be based on comparable market rates and the ability to pay. There will be three levels of charging:
    1. Corporate functions such as conferences, performances and other large gatherings.
    2. Funded Group activities.
    3. Community activities such as meeting facilities for local groups.

Access to the building by visitors will be free, although donations for the upkeep of the fabric and facilities will be welcomed.

Our rates for hire of the rooms are very competitive particularly the rate for community organisations. Repeat or block bookings may also be offered at a lower rate.

Application Documents

The following downloadable documents will be required by anyone applying to use the premises:

Unsure what needs to go in your own risk assessment? If so, please take a look at our Sample Risk Assessment.